Robert Louis Stevenson
The following committees support the mission of Seeds of Strength. All members are invited to share their unique skills and talents within a committee, if they choose to do so. Members are under no obligation to join a committee.

grants committee
Grants Committee members enjoy learning about local nonprofits serving the Georgetown community, and team with members sharing similar interests. Members follow documented review and evaluation processes for each grant application. Orientation and training sessions are provided prior to beginning this process.
The evaluation period is January to May. Prior grant evaluation experience is not required. The time commitment is approximately 40 hours over the five month time span.
At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the Grants Committee recommends best qualified finalists for SoS Board approval and member voting. Grant presentations are a very rewarding outcome for members of the Grants Committee.
communications committee
Members of the Communications Committee ensure that Seeds of Strength is well known and positively viewed in our community. Members gather and convey accurate timely information about the organization, both internally and externally. This includes information posted on the Seeds of Strength website, disseminated electronically via email and Facebook, or publicized in local newspapers and magazines.
Members work closely with other committees to provide any printing and communications material required. Roles on the Committee include the Chair, Webmaster, Publicity Manager, Facebook Manager, Editor, Blog Manager, Blog writers and Database Manager.
Time commitment varies with function and the needs of other committees during the grant year.

events committee
Members of the Events Committee plan and implement all annual events sponsored by Seeds of Strength. Members complete a variety of tasks to ensure the success of the event. This includes selection of venue, date and time of event, theme, decorations, menu and contacting speakers, as directed by the Board.
There are normally three annual events, usually in October/ November, February and in June.
At each event, members decorate and set up the venue, and stay for cleanup. There is a 1 to 4 month lead time to select and coordinate each event. Time commitment is one to two hours per month during the lead-time, and two to four hours during an event.
membership committee
The Membership Committee implements strategies for growth and retention of membership. These include recruitment info-mixers throughout the membership year. Membership also participates in event planning to maximize the inclusion of new members and guests in each event. Membership also coordinates with the Communication Committee to produce various Seeds of Strength pieces for recruitment and information purposes.

nominating committee
Members of the Nominating Committee are responsible for recruiting candidates and presenting a slate of officers and proposed board members for the upcoming year. The Committee is comprised of the Immediate Past Chair, additional Past Chairs serving on the board, and two other members of the Board of Directors appointed by the Chair.
compliance committee
The Compliance Committee works with grantees throughout the grant year, monitoring progress in completing the grant project. Committee members do the essential work of meeting with grantees, setting up a site visit, and reviewing mid-year and year end progress reports. The committee meets monthly, with a time commitment of five to ten hours per month, which varies depending on the activities in the grant cycle. No prior experience is needed, just the desire to learn more about our grantees and their efforts in our community.